

Corinthia ‘neuroscientist in residence’ to lead study

Starting in November, Corinthia Hotel London will host a year-long neuroscientist in residence, Dr. Tara Swart, to research the mental resilience of people across various business sectors.

Swart, a leadership coach and a senior lecturer at MIT, will advise staff at the hotel and regular guests and study the mental resilience of each group to analyze how they cope with stress. The data will be included in a study to be published next year that aims to generate insights on maximizing potential by building mental resilience in order to succeed in increasingly stressful work environments.

VIP guests will get one-on-one sessions with Swart; four talks will be offered featuring the doctor; and the hotel is promoting “Brain Power Packages” focusing on neuronutrition, sleep, hydration and other factors for guests.
