

Sensei plays to science of wellness

A chance meeting between Larry Ellison, co-founder of Oracle Corp. – and owner of pretty much the entire Hawaiian island of Lanai – and physician David Agus, led to the creation of The Sensei Way, which applies data-driven health knowledge and utilizes technology to develop a fresh philosophy on food, health and lifestyle. It focuses on movement, nourishment and rest to improve everyday life.

Sensei CEO Kevin Kelly
Sensei CEO Kevin Kelly

On Lanai, where Four Seasons Hotels and Resorts has been managing Ellison’s resorts, the duo decided to implement The Sensei Way to create a wellbeing retreat. The Sensei Lanai opened in November 2019 before being shut down by the pandemic.

But the company is still planning on growth, and that’s where Kevin Kelly comes in. Formerly the president of Canyon Ranch, Kelly was consulting on the Sensei project before coming on full-time as CEO.

Read Jeff Weinstein’s interview with Kelly in our latest HotelsLife feature
