

Peninsula Chicago GM’s outlook: ‘Keep pushing forward’

Maria Razumich-Zec, regional vice president of The Peninsula Hotels and general manager at The Peninsula Chicago, says the COVID-19 pandemic has further developed her sense of concern for team members. “You can’t help but become extremely compassionate during a crisis of this proportion,” she said.

Last year was the first time that the Peninsula Chicago had seen layoffs; Zec said she had to say goodbye to some colleagues of 18 years.

“Our whole life has changed, to be perfectly honest,” she told HOTELS Editor in Chief Jeff Weinstein in the latest HOTELSLife interview. “It’s more about really being there for your employees, your colleagues, your friends, your family…  It’s very important that we help those around us. This whole pandemic, for me personally, has made me certainly much more humble.”

Maria Razumich-Zec, RVP of The Peninsula Hotels and GM at The Peninsula Chicago
Maria Razumich-Zec, RVP of The Peninsula Hotels and GM at The Peninsula Chicago